The Ins-and-Outs of Multi Head Weighers
What is a Multi Head Weigher?
You may know this piece of equipment under another commonly used name – the combination scale. Whatever you are accustomed to calling it, this equipment is ideal for weighing or counting a wide range of products, including confections, bakery, pet food or treats, pasta, cereal, fresh produce, and salty snacks.
The multi head weigher’s computer determines the product weight in each individual weight bucket, also called “heads” or “hoppers” and identifies which combination contains the closest target weight before releasing it to the filling equipment below.
What are the Benefits of Combination Scales?
Applicable for weighing all types of small-sized / dosed, granular products, combination scales offer incredible speed and accuracy, reducing errors and saving tons of product and human resources for maximum impact on your bottom line.
Better Speed & Accuracy
Each of the weight buckets on the scale constantly replenishes and weighs the amount of product they contain. Increasing the number of heads will undoubtedly offer better accuracy and options its computer has to create combinations that hit the correct amount. They move much faster than an operator using a manual scale and, depending on the model, can execute speeds of 600 weighments per minute.
Precise Product Mixes
It is an ideal solution for weighing mixed products like trail mixes and similarly complex ingredient mixes. Individual hoppers can be dedicated to measuring specific elements for a more homogeneous mixture. Multi head weighers ensure high weighing speed while ensuring that overfilling of more expensive ingredients is negligible. Additionally, a multi head weigher does not face the same issues with weighing clumps that might be present on a linear scale.
Reduced Seal Contamination
The product has sufficient time to gather in the collection bucket before being discharged compactly into the bag. The advantages are increased productivity as well as clean and tight sealing seams.
Combination scales also benefit companies with various packaging sizes, from grams to kilograms, by allowing product inflow adjustments in seconds.
How to Select the Proper Combination Scale?
Keep in mind that not all combination scales are built equally. While most seem identical, there are considerable differences in quality and design, from the material (Cast aluminum versus Stainless Steel), to the mechanics of bucket design, electronics, and operator control.
We strongly recommend considering the following aspects when selecting a multi head weigher.
1- Acceptable % of product give-away per package
2- Specific product bulk density and size – which determine capacity of the weight buckets
3- Speed matching – to optimize the performance of your packaging machine
4- What is the work environment of the scale? (i.e. refrigerated, freezer, washdown etc)
Where to Purchase Combination Scales?
When you are in the market for machinery to improve your manufacturing capacity, consider your options. It is crucial to evaluate both the the reputation of both the multi head weigher and the supplier to make sure they are the right fit for your needs and will foster a relationship that will support your business. At Link Pack, we don’t drop and walk – our team endeavors to educate and support each client.
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